Eldritch Arts and Kraken Dice Review: Iconic Blue + Fire and Fury

I’ve decided to tackle a double review this week. After 11 days of CONSTANT camera issues and photography hang-ups, computer problems and project failures, at least I’ve finally gotten around to writing about two of my favorite products: A new Dragon Themed Pencil Dice Box from Eldritch Arts, and the highly sought after Iconic Blue limited run dice from Kraken Dice!

Why a fire-breathing dragon and a sea-foam kraken together? Let me show you –

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DnDiceUK Review: Acrylic Alchemy + Folding Dice Tray

We’ve reviewed DnDiceUK’s metal dice before – but now we’re taking a look some of their other products! But first, let me completely blow up the dice industry… Buckle up, y’all!

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The Great D6 Roundup: Which D6s are worth your time?

There is something special about d6s compared to other dice. From a throw at a Craps table, lifting the cup for Cho-han, or making a move in the popular Powered by the Apocalypse system, rolling 2d6s just… it just feels official. Today, let’s take a quick and concise look at my favorite d6s out on the market today.
Note: some of these are not cheap. But that’s true of most dice I review, after all.

Continue reading “The Great D6 Roundup: Which D6s are worth your time?”