DnDiceUK Review: Acrylic Alchemy + Folding Dice Tray

We’ve reviewed DnDiceUK’s metal dice before – but now we’re taking a look some of their other products! But first, let me completely blow up the dice industry… Buckle up, y’all!

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DnDice UK Review: Legendary Tekthyrios (Blue and Gold)

DnDice.UK has been going far beyond your average dice shop. Since I was introduced to Grady, this company has continued to surprise me month after month with their dedication and hard work. Now we get a chance to look at their new precision milled aluminum dice – each of which are named after a Legendary dragon from D&D’s past iterations!

Today, we’re taking a look at Tekthyrios, a Storm Dragon who was fed mushrooms that let the portal in his belly open to fiends who nearly destroyed Celestia…. not making this up.

Continue reading “DnDice UK Review: Legendary Tekthyrios (Blue and Gold)”