Die Hard Dice Review: Forge Dice (Shiny Silver)

The folks at Die Hard Dice have been paramount in their customer service and willingness to work with and for the tabletop community. Their store gives you tons of useful information about these dice sets – enough you should feel comfortable buying them without my opinion. Yeah, I know that’s pretty damaging to my own … Continue reading Die Hard Dice Review: Forge Dice (Shiny Silver)

Wizards of the Coast Review: Is Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes for you?

In our second ever WotC official review we take a look at the brand new book Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes. Most people know a few things about this book by now: “It’s got plane stuff in it” being chief among them. Who is this book for? What will you find useful between the covers? Well, let’s take … Continue reading Wizards of the Coast Review: Is Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes for you?

Wyrmwood Review: Customized Cherry Wood Hero Vault

In the beginning, I had several companies in mind to work with. One of those companies I never believed would take any interested in my work at all was Wyrmwood Gaming. But it’s touching and thoughtful showings of their appreciation like this that still blow my damn mind. Today, we take a look at the … Continue reading Wyrmwood Review: Customized Cherry Wood Hero Vault

Eldritch Arts and Kraken Dice Review: Iconic Blue + Fire and Fury

I’ve decided to tackle a double review this week. After 11 days of CONSTANT camera issues and photography hang-ups, computer problems and project failures, at least I’ve finally gotten around to writing about two of my favorite products: A new Dragon Themed Pencil Dice Box from Eldritch Arts, and the highly sought after Iconic Blue limited … Continue reading Eldritch Arts and Kraken Dice Review: Iconic Blue + Fire and Fury

EmBrace Leather Review – Premium Dragon Eye Leather Dice Bag

You can plainly see from any dice bag in Mandy’s shop – she’s got not only an eye for artist flare but one hell of a set of skills. Without a closer look, many people avoid a $30+ purchase to hold their dice, particularly bags, but this offering brings a lot of style, design, and … Continue reading EmBrace Leather Review – Premium Dragon Eye Leather Dice Bag


Easy Roller Dice Co. Review – Staging Area Lidded Dice Tray

Easy Roller has been exceptional at bucking average trends in the gaming world. While people were making small 4×8 dice trays, they made an 11.5″ dice tray. People flooded the market with cheap metal dice, Easy Roller launched high quality gunmetal dice. Today, I’m here to let you know that they’ve went even further beyond … Continue reading Easy Roller Dice Co. Review – Staging Area Lidded Dice Tray

The Rook & The Raven Review: Mischief & Misadventure Campaign Diary

So, lets imagine a nightmare scenario: You hate dice. You don’t care about rolling trays or dice boxes! You think ‘Who uses coins?” and one time your friend caught you spitting on their dice tower in disgust. You’re a honest to goodness monster. But you still need a character sheet… You still probably write down something, anything, … Continue reading The Rook & The Raven Review: Mischief & Misadventure Campaign Diary


DnDice UK Review: Legendary Tekthyrios (Blue and Gold)

DnDice.UK has been going far beyond your average dice shop. Since I was introduced to Grady, this company has continued to surprise me month after month with their dedication and hard work. Now we get a chance to look at their new precision milled aluminum dice – each of which are named after a Legendary … Continue reading DnDice UK Review: Legendary Tekthyrios (Blue and Gold)


Polyhero Dice Review: Wizard Dice + d20 Wizard’s Hat

We’ve had novelty dice in the past (glow in the dark, free-floating dice, etc) but … never THIS level of novelty. These took the internet by storm when they were announced many eons ago – I was shared the Warrior Dice link at least a thousand times. Now we step away from the bloodsoaked carnage … Continue reading Polyhero Dice Review: Wizard Dice + d20 Wizard’s Hat


Eldritch Arts Review: Avalon Dice + Pencil box

You can all probably remember that I love EldritchArts a little too much. Gene is a really great and inspired guy, the honesty and care they put into their stuff is just… it’s great. Last time I reviewed their products, it made a HUGE impact on their production. New additions were added to not only … Continue reading Eldritch Arts Review: Avalon Dice + Pencil box


Die Hard Dice Review: Gothica Metal (Glow-in-the-Dark)

Novelty is sometimes dangerous. Dice that light up, dice boxes that have levels and snaps and foam inserts, dice trays that look like a honeycomb – they get annoying, in the way, or cheapen the product. One example of novelty done right in my mind is glow-in-the-dark dice. Die Hard Dice is the first set I’ve had … Continue reading Die Hard Dice Review: Gothica Metal (Glow-in-the-Dark)


Cantrip Candles Review: A Walk In The Woods + Samples

Now we’re really bucking tradition! Not dice, not even a common accessory – these Cantrip Candles have taken Twitter and Facebook by storm the past few months. Allegedly they are appropriately themed to give ambiance to your gaming room that matches the scene of the game, leading to further immersion. By Example: My D&D group … Continue reading Cantrip Candles Review: A Walk In The Woods + Samples


NerdistWoodworking Review: Padauk Greater Tray of Rolling

Practically everyone, by now, knows of Wyrmwood Gaming and their amazing dice trays. I’ve loved working with them and have been blown away by their products. Today, we look at a direct competitor: NerdistWoodworking  – an Arkansas based start-up company breaking into the quality wood gaming accessory world. This is the first product of theirs I’ve … Continue reading NerdistWoodworking Review: Padauk Greater Tray of Rolling


Die Hard Dice Review: Scorched Rainbow Metal Dice

So we’re tackling yet another dice set this week – unfortunately they are the only photos I have prepared due to personal issues, but I’m incredibly excited to finally get my hands on Die Hard Dice. First impressions are lovely – these dice are an oil-slick style multi-color metal set that may possibly go with … Continue reading Die Hard Dice Review: Scorched Rainbow Metal Dice