I have about 30 pounds of dice laying around. Don’t ask. But one of the things that I always appreciate and love to see made and made well are dice bags. Today we’ll take a look this beautiful offering from Greyed Out Productions.
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Wyrmwood Gaming Review: Tabletop Tiles
For the launch of Wyrmwood Gaming’s new Kickstarter, we’re taking a look at their selection of Tabletop Tiles: listing full-release changes, their usefulness, design, benefits, flaws, and potential improvements. Let’s go-
Continue reading “Wyrmwood Gaming Review: Tabletop Tiles”Norse Foundry Review: Atmar’s Cardography (Fiery Pits)
Improvisation is important as a DM. As is planning. The venn diagram overlap of those two is slight. However, this Kickstarter from Norse Foundry fits squarely between the two. It’s a very weird product – not for people who love cards, not for people who love maps – but perfect for both. Let’s take a gander under the hood of “Enter the Fiery Pits.”
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Wyrmwood Review: Bespoke Cherry Dice Tower System
It’s been over a year since we took a look at the Complete Dice Tower system by Wyrmwood, and in the wake of their new Kickstarter … I have such sights to show you…
Today we take an exclusive look at their new iteration, aptly named “Bespoke Dice Tower System.” Let us begin!
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Elderwood Academy Review: Hex Chest Elite Series
Our (yours and my) relationship with Elderwood Academy has been rock solid since day one. They’ve been a remarkable company selling incredible products for a pretty fair price, so when they announced their Elite Series Hex Chests, I just knew showing one off to you guys would be a wise choice.
Is the new Elite Series worth the cost? What’s new? How is it different? Well, let’s take a closer look!
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Wyrmwood Review: Customized Cherry Wood Hero Vault
In the beginning, I had several companies in mind to work with. One of those companies I never believed would take any interested in my work at all was Wyrmwood Gaming. But it’s touching and thoughtful showings of their appreciation like this that still blow my damn mind.
Today, we take a look at the Custom Hero Vault!
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Darksilver Forge Review: Óðinn Vígvöllr Terningbrett
Know him as Wōden, Wōdan, Wuotan, Wōtan, or Odin many are inspired by the one-eyed god of Old Norse mythos. So much so that he’s made appearances in every form of popular media throughout time. Now, you can be inspired by the god of battle when you need it most – we’re taking at look at the Odin Battlefield Dice Tray!
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Eldritch Arts and Kraken Dice Review: Iconic Blue + Fire and Fury
I’ve decided to tackle a double review this week. After 11 days of CONSTANT camera issues and photography hang-ups, computer problems and project failures, at least I’ve finally gotten around to writing about two of my favorite products: A new Dragon Themed Pencil Dice Box from Eldritch Arts, and the highly sought after Iconic Blue limited run dice from Kraken Dice!
Why a fire-breathing dragon and a sea-foam kraken together? Let me show you –
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DnDiceUK Review: Acrylic Alchemy + Folding Dice Tray
We’ve reviewed DnDiceUK’s metal dice before – but now we’re taking a look some of their other products! But first, let me completely blow up the dice industry… Buckle up, y’all!
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EmBrace Leather Review – Premium Dragon Eye Leather Dice Bag
You can plainly see from any dice bag in Mandy’s shop – she’s got not only an eye for artist flare but one hell of a set of skills. Without a closer look, many people avoid a $30+ purchase to hold their dice, particularly bags, but this offering brings a lot of style, design, and craftsmanship to the proverbial and literal table.
Let’s take a closer look at this unexpectedly creepy leather dice bag. (Creepy good, not ‘balding unfit neighbor watering your bushes with no shirt on in red gym shorts he had from highschool’ creepy.)
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Easy Roller Dice Co. Review – Staging Area Lidded Dice Tray
Easy Roller has been exceptional at bucking average trends in the gaming world. While people were making small 4×8 dice trays, they made an 11.5″ dice tray. People flooded the market with cheap metal dice, Easy Roller launched high quality gunmetal dice.
Today, I’m here to let you know that they’ve went even further beyond their previous incarnations – with the Wolf Dice Tray we’re about to look at!
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The Rook & The Raven Review: Mischief & Misadventure Campaign Diary
So, lets imagine a nightmare scenario: You hate dice. You don’t care about rolling trays or dice boxes! You think ‘Who uses coins?” and one time your friend caught you spitting on their dice tower in disgust. You’re a honest to goodness monster.
But you still need a character sheet… You still probably write down something, anything, during your game. Chances are, you’ve also written some bullshit down on a random page and then use a post-it note with an even smaller note on the edge that says something vague to remind you what’s on that page.
Well, good news – I’ve got a product even you’d have to admit is pretty handy! Rook & Raven’s Campaign Diary! And better still: I’ll help you save a little bit on your order, just for reading. Use the offer code “dropthedie” at checkout to get $5 off on your preorders! (Good through 2/15/18)
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Eldritch Arts Review: Avalon Dice + Pencil box
You can all probably remember that I love EldritchArts a little too much. Gene is a really great and inspired guy, the honesty and care they put into their stuff is just… it’s great.
Last time I reviewed their products, it made a HUGE impact on their production. New additions were added to not only their smaller box, but other, bigger, products. Almost every issue I had before has been addressed in some fashion, so it’s no surprise that I’m incredibly excited to review the new offering from these guys: Their premium dice and pencil boxes.
Use Promo code: DROPTHEDIE15 to save 15% off any EldritchArts order! Holy cow!
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Cantrip Candles Review: A Walk In The Woods + Samples
Now we’re really bucking tradition! Not dice, not even a common accessory – these Cantrip Candles have taken Twitter and Facebook by storm the past few months. Allegedly they are appropriately themed to give ambiance to your gaming room that matches the scene of the game, leading to further immersion.
By Example: My D&D group was on a trek eastward from Waterdeep to Parnast in the Forgotten realms. As they passed by the enormous High Forest, I pulled out this candle and burned it for an hour to help set the mood of woods, mud, winding hills. How did the candle fair? Let’s find out!
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NerdistWoodworking Review: Padauk Greater Tray of Rolling
Practically everyone, by now, knows of Wyrmwood Gaming and their amazing dice trays. I’ve loved working with them and have been blown away by their products.
Today, we look at a direct competitor: NerdistWoodworking – an Arkansas based start-up company breaking into the quality wood gaming accessory world. This is the first product of theirs I’ve had in my hand, so lets take a close look.
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Wizards RPG Team Review: Dungeon Master’s Screen Reincarnated (On Location!)
Most, not all, DMs choose to use a Dungeon Master’s Screen to keep their notes and obvious cheating (for the betterment of the game) hidden from prying eyes. Keeping the screen artsy, stylish, and useful on both sides is paramount. Let’s see how WotC’s new DM Scren Reincarnated holds up!
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Elderwood Academy Review: Scroll Codex Dice Tower System
So, you sit down at your gaming table and pull the shoe box lid out of your bag. Everyone nods, they know the struggle. You roll dice, have some laughs, and enjoy a night of gaming.
So, you sit down at your gaming table and pull out a blue velvet bag nearly a foot long. You unwrap a leather and cherry wood etched and ornate scroll sporting the likeness of a dragon on the black leather exterior. You remove the leather and cherry wood insides and snap them together into a dice tray just as gorgeous. Everyone nods, because hell yeah. You roll dice, have some laughs, and enjoy a night of gaming.
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VyseriArt: Deck of Many Things
Today we’re looking at one of those single use props that are completely worth buying. As I’ve always said, each person determines their own level of investment and involvement in purchasing gaming products. If you’re happy rolling in the lid of a shoe box and writing the various card names on index cards – DO THAT. Otherwise, let’s take a look at this Tarot style Deck of Many Things by VyseriArt from Etsy.
Elderwood Academy Review: Spellbook
I have a PhD in being an overtly frugal dude. It’s what made this entire venture of mine happen – i never knew what to buy and only a handful of people were reviewing things adequately. I wanted weights, measurements, pictures, discussion.
One of the companies that always impressed the hell out of me with the up-front information they’d give customers – almost as though they weren’t trying to trick someone – was Elderwood Academy, and one of their most explosively popular items has to be the Spellbook! Lets crack this gorgeous thing open and take a look.
Aggro Boxes Review: 5″ x 7″ Dice Tray
How cool does that look? Today, we’re taking a look at one of the most sought after of dice accessories: the affordable and small dice tray! The gents and gentettes over at Aggro Box (or Aggro Boxes – both are acceptable I’m told) have married two of my favorite things – beautiful wood and affordable, stylish options! Let’s start the review.