
Darksilver Forge Review: Óðinn Vígvöllr Terningbrett

Know him as WōdenWōdan, Wuotan, Wōtan, or Odin many are inspired by the one-eyed god of Old Norse mythos. So much so that he’s made appearances in every form of popular media throughout time. Now, you can be inspired by the god of battle when you need it most – we’re taking at look at the Odin Battlefield Dice Tray

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Easy Roller Dice Co. Review – Staging Area Lidded Dice Tray

Easy Roller has been exceptional at bucking average trends in the gaming world. While people were making small 4×8 dice trays, they made an 11.5″ dice tray. People flooded the market with cheap metal dice, Easy Roller launched high quality gunmetal dice.
Today, I’m here to let you know that they’ve went even further beyond their previous incarnations – with the Wolf Dice Tray we’re about to look at!

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App Review: (D&D) 5th Edition Spellbook

This is a first! A few people every week ask me my opinions on applications that can be used for my tabletop games. So, I’ll start out with the one I use every. freaking. game. At least once, anyway – whether I’m a spellcaster player, a DM, or running interference for the DM by quick-drawing those tricky spell rules.

Let’s take a look at 5th Edition Spellbook in more detail.

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DnDice UK Review: Legendary Tekthyrios (Blue and Gold)

DnDice.UK has been going far beyond your average dice shop. Since I was introduced to Grady, this company has continued to surprise me month after month with their dedication and hard work. Now we get a chance to look at their new precision milled aluminum dice – each of which are named after a Legendary dragon from D&D’s past iterations!

Today, we’re taking a look at Tekthyrios, a Storm Dragon who was fed mushrooms that let the portal in his belly open to fiends who nearly destroyed Celestia…. not making this up.

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TTRPG Advice: The Player Character Backstory

The majority of questions I’ve seen in my Tabletop Gaming history surround a single aspect of the game: The backstory. How much should a player prepare? How much should a DM use? Is there too much? Too little? Can a DM change it?

While the background generation is very important, I think we can tackle the vast majority of your questions and concerns in this one article – as well as give some tips to help you (or your players) make a more meaningful and memorable backstory! So let’s take a look.

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Polyhero Dice Review: Wizard Dice + d20 Wizard’s Hat

We’ve had novelty dice in the past (glow in the dark, free-floating dice, etc) but … never THIS level of novelty. These took the internet by storm when they were announced many eons ago – I was shared the Warrior Dice link at least a thousand times. Now we step away from the bloodsoaked carnage and into the realm of high magic.

These dice are clearly interesting, but do they hold up to what dice aspire to be? Are Wizard Dice just a fun toy to keep around, or will they make it into your weekly use at the gaming table? Let’s find out.

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The Great D6 Roundup: Which D6s are worth your time?

There is something special about d6s compared to other dice. From a throw at a Craps table, lifting the cup for Cho-han, or making a move in the popular Powered by the Apocalypse system, rolling 2d6s just… it just feels official. Today, let’s take a quick and concise look at my favorite d6s out on the market today.
Note: some of these are not cheap. But that’s true of most dice I review, after all.

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Eldritch Arts Review: Avalon Dice + Pencil box

You can all probably remember that I love EldritchArts a little too much. Gene is a really great and inspired guy, the honesty and care they put into their stuff is just… it’s great.

Last time I reviewed their products, it made a HUGE impact on their production. New additions were added to not only their smaller box, but other, bigger, products. Almost every issue I had before has been addressed in some fashion, so it’s no surprise that I’m incredibly excited to review the new offering from these guys: Their premium dice and pencil boxes.

Use Promo code: DROPTHEDIE15 to save 15% off any EldritchArts order! Holy cow!

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Die Hard Dice Review: Gothica Metal (Glow-in-the-Dark)

Novelty is sometimes dangerous. Dice that light up, dice boxes that have levels and snaps and foam inserts, dice trays that look like a honeycomb – they get annoying, in the way, or cheapen the product.

One example of novelty done right in my mind is glow-in-the-dark dice. Die Hard Dice is the first set I’ve had on this blog and, if the preview image isn’t a big enough spoiler, they’re pretty damn cool. Lets take a closer look.

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TTRPG Advice: Connecting Your Plot

We’ve all seen those thread-bare plots used in games and movies, tv shows and novels. But how to connect your “plot threads” into something strong enough to pull your story along is not so easy in a Tabletop Game where other people’s imaginations are involved in the creation of your story. Hopefully I can help shine some light on how to weave together your plot and keep your players from getting lost.

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Cantrip Candles Review: A Walk In The Woods + Samples

Now we’re really bucking tradition! Not dice, not even a common accessory – these Cantrip Candles have taken Twitter and Facebook by storm the past few months. Allegedly they are appropriately themed to give ambiance to your gaming room that matches the scene of the game, leading to further immersion.

By Example: My D&D group was on a trek eastward from Waterdeep to Parnast in the Forgotten realms. As they passed by the enormous High Forest, I pulled out this candle and burned it for an hour to help set the mood of woods, mud, winding hills. How did the candle fair? Let’s find out! 

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TTRPG Advice: Persevering a T.P.K (Total Party Kill)

When you put in a video game, even a brutal one like Darkest Dungeon or Demon’s Souls, you are pitted against a faceless and brooding evil – mechanics. A team of developers spent years crafting that game to be beatable yet challenging, unforgiving but surmountable, hair-pullingly frustrating but rewarding in the end.

A Tabletop RPG, on the other hand, has a face, a name, and generally feelings to boot – we call them “Game Masters.” And when disaster strikes and you lose everything, you can throw your head back and shout obscenities at a videogame, but chances are your Game Master might feel a little cross after such a thing. So how do you work past a TPK as a Game Master or as a Player? Let me lend a helping hand with my Three-Step Program.

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Easy Roller Dice Co. Review: Legendary Metal D20s

Easy Roller Dice and I have had a wonderful professional relationship since I’ve started this whole blog thing. I have to say, I am a little partial to their products – they tend to be simple and well executed, clean and crafted well, pragmatic.

Today, we take a look at their Legendary Metal D20s!

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TTRPG Advice: Threats and Challenges

“Natural Progression of Threats” is a phrase I use a lot. Eventually, I’m sorry to say, the wheels will fall off of your game if you just keep throwing damage and hitpoint sacks at the players. Today, we’re going to look at how to challenge and threaten your PCs outside of bodily harm and injury!

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NerdistWoodworking Review: Padauk Greater Tray of Rolling

Practically everyone, by now, knows of Wyrmwood Gaming and their amazing dice trays. I’ve loved working with them and have been blown away by their products.

Today, we look at a direct competitor: NerdistWoodworking  – an Arkansas based start-up company breaking into the quality wood gaming accessory world. This is the first product of theirs I’ve had in my hand, so lets take a close look.

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TTRPG Advice: How to Narrate Combat

“I run up to it and attack.” “I shoot it with my bow.” “Uhhh, I guess I run up and swing at it?” “I attack it.” “I’m going to create a ring of ice around it, that goes up 30 feet, and it’ll have to dive out of the way to keep from being trapped inside: Dex save.” “I poke it twice.”

Narrative combat should not be just flavor text for spells and abilities. It should fuel decisions and give each player a springboard to jump off of every turn. But it’s tricky to actually do in-game. Hopefully by the end of this article, you’ll have a better grasp on how to draw your players, peers, and friends into the combat!

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Die Hard Dice Review: Scorched Rainbow Metal Dice

So we’re tackling yet another dice set this week – unfortunately they are the only photos I have prepared due to personal issues, but I’m incredibly excited to finally get my hands on Die Hard Dice.

First impressions are lovely – these dice are an oil-slick style multi-color metal set that may possibly go with every other color set you own. Unfortunately Scorched Rainbow dice are out of stock, as are most of them, on the Die Hard Dice website, but if you look around enough you can find them from other sellers!

Let’s look at everything these dice have to offer – ONWARD into the review!

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Wizards RPG Team Review: Tomb of Annihilation Dice

“Dare to defy death in this adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.”
This themed dice set was launched to help herald the coming of the Tomb of Annihilation RPG supplement from Wizards of the Coast.

The release of dozens of production shots and various artworks created a lot of buzz about these things before the dice were even on store shelves, but does it live up to the hype and is it worth your money? Let’s find out.

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Wizards RPG Team Review: Dungeon Master’s Screen Reincarnated (On Location!)

Most, not all, DMs choose to use a Dungeon Master’s Screen to keep their notes and obvious cheating (for the betterment of the game) hidden from prying eyes. Keeping the screen artsy, stylish, and useful on both sides is paramount. Let’s see how WotC’s new DM Scren Reincarnated holds up!

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